Friday, 28 August 2015

2015 Federal Election Seat Projection as of August 27, 2015

It's been another wild week for the three parties. The NDP, as the Montreal Gazette, called it, are no longer just a wave, but a tsunami. The Conservatives, until yesterday, when P.M. Harper actually appeared to come to life while attacking the Liberal deficit strategy to kick start the economy, are running a very lackluster campaign. The Liberal are again slipping and need another national debate in which Trudeau shines to get their numbers back up.

Here's the CBC chart of the polls. Notice how the NDP prospects are trending upwards at a 45 degree angle, while the Conservatives and Liberals are on a parallel downward course.

And, here are the 4 latest polls from which I am getting my trending percentage (after weighting) to apply to my spreadsheet.

Based on the above four new polls, and what the seat selection looked like before these polls, here is my latest prediction of seat counts if the election were held today.

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